How Inspire Access Works: Mobilizing philanthropic capital to close the racial and gender investment gap

By: Leah Brickman, Program Manager of Inspire Access

Inspire Access is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that aims to close the gender and racial wealth gap by investing philanthropic dollars in funds and companies led by female and diverse founders who have historically lacked investment capital.

At its core, Inspire Access serves as a platform for people to put their charitable dollars to work.

Through the platform, individuals can direct charitable dollars from their donor-advised fund (DAF) or a tax-deductible donation into ventures led by underrepresented founders shaping the next generation of legendary companies. In turn, this capital allows founders to build impactful wealth for themselves and their communities, while donors can see the impact and returns of their investment. 

Inspire Access provides two pathways to make investments, through our Recoverable Grants Program and our Sustained Program. 

Grow Your Charitable Dollars: Our Recoverable Grant Program

Through our Recoverable Grant Programs, donors can make a grant to Inspire Access, which will then be invested in companies and funds led by underrepresented founders, and any returns gained on the investment back can go back to the donor’s charitable entity to fuel future giving. Donors can decide whether Inspire Access chooses the company and/or funds the investment goes towards or suggest a specific company or fund they would like to invest in. Here’s how it works:

  1. Make a charitable contribution: Donate to Inspire Access from your personal funds, Donor Advised Fund (DAF), or private foundation. (Minimum investment of $25,000)

  2. Decide on your investment: Inspire Access will invest your grant in the company’s and funds of your choosing or you may suggest a specific company or fund led by an underrepresented founder (to be approved by Inspire Access) that you would like Inspire to direct your investment towards. 

  3. Grow your charitable dollars: Any financial returns go back to your personal charitable account, to fuel future giving or can be reinvested.

Create Continuous Impact: Our Sustained Impact Program

Through our Sustained Impact Program, donors can make a grant to our program which provides investment capital to multiple companies and funds led by women and people of color. All companies and funds included in this program are determined by the Inspire Access Team making the greatest impact in line with our mission. Donors to the program watch their investments impact historically underrepresented founders not just once but continuously as their initial grant gets reinvested again and again. Here’s how it works.

  1. Make a charitable contribution: Donate to Inspire Access from your personal funds, Donor Advised Fund (DAF), or private foundation.

  2. Inspire invests your grant: Your grant will be invested through a working capital loan, a direct equity investment, or a limited partnership position in a private equity fund providing investment capital to an underrepresented founder. 

  3. Watch your grant make a continuous impact: Any financial returns from the original grant will be reinvested, continuing to help close the racial and gender investment gap.

All of our programs include a nominal fee structure: 1% upon receiving the investment and an additional 1% per year on total returns.

This allows Inspire to continue operating and make this type of philanthropic investment possible.

In a world of evolving philanthropy, Inspire Access stands as a dynamic platform where philanthropy meets strategic investment.

Donors are investing to multiply capital and inform a future where diversity and equity take center stage in economic growth. Inspire Access invites donors to strategically invest their philanthropic capital, playing a pivotal role in closing the investment gap, supporting underrepresented founders, and promoting a more inclusive and equitable future.

Get started by completing our investment inquiry form or signing up for our newsletter below to learn more. 


Why Inspire Access?


Donor Advised Funds (DAF) 101